

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog, I am a proud girl who has a loud voice, big mouth and a very brave, bruised soul. I need a place to write my opinions before i simply burst because for once, I just want to write and write but not in a diary! I am currently like many, in a small pit of denial since it is my 30th birthday this year! I cant believe it that I've even made it here to be honest...its been quite the ten years in my twenties, which is why I am loudly praying to any force out there that'll listen to make my thirties my prime years...please (puppy face).  I am currently sat here with boom whap playing on my nineties (overplayed...maybe?) playlist and having a right old shimmy along with a cup of tea, I mean how else can you spend an afternoon of creating a blog about train speed towards the big 3-0 here I come....may as well be in musical style!  As mentioned above, my twenties were not the best, started with an abusive relationship before going away on